Midland Soccer Club

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The Midland Soccer Club has a variety of Recreational Programs to meet the needs of different age groups:

U4-U6:  Our youngest players are new to soccer, and we hope their MSC experience will develop a lifelong love of the game. There are no referees for these games. Coaches will work together to take on the role of referee and coach. The U4 and U5 age groups are both co-ed. The U6 age group is the first one to be divided into Boys U6 teams and Girls U6 teams.

U7-U12:  This age group has both Boys teams and Girls teams. Coaches stay on the sidelines, as there are referees to monitor the games. For the U7 and U8 age groups, there is one referee. The U10 and U12 age groups usually have both a center referee and two assistant referees. The U10 age group is comprised of two years (U9 and U10), and the U12 age group includes both U11 and U12.

U14 and U19:  These older divisions are both co-ed. The teams are larger and there are always three referees at the games. The U14 age group includes players who would be both U13 and U14, while the U19 division includes all the players from U15-U19.