Recreation Coaches
The information contained below and in the links off this page are for recreational coach use only. Any use of this information without written consent from Midland Soccer Club is prohibited
Coaching in the Recreational Program
Every coach in the MSC Recreational Program is a volunteer. Volunteer coaches are the backbone of our Rec Program.
Often times our volunteer coaches are parents, but not always. We welcome community volunteers who enjoy coaching soccer as well!
You don't have to have prior soccer experience or knowledge to coach. Some of our volunteers have a strong soccer background . Others come with no experience at all - just an eagerness to learn and be involved.
We strongly believe that the quality of our volunteer coaches is important to the quality of our club. MSC provides plenty of support and educational materials for our coaches to help them improve and better develop their players. This support is delivered through clinics, training guides, and coaching resources.
These resources, along with a Risk Management Certification and a Safe Sport Certification, which are a requirement for all MSC coaches, are outlined below.
Recreational Coaching Clinics and MSC level I and II certificates
Seasonal coaching clinics will be offered for all Rec coaches. These clinics are age appropriate; they cover the material included in the coaching manual and trainers are there to answer any questions.
Clinics are focused on introducing various aspects of youth soccer, enhancing the technical development of young Rec players, and just getting out and having fun playing a little soccer!
MSC Level I and II Certificates-
The Level I certificate covers-
- Planing a session
- Curriculum for ages 4-7, 8-12 years old
- Space and shape for 4v4, 7v7, 9v9
The Level II certificate covers-
- Curriculum for ages 13-14, 15+
- Tactical considerations of 11v11
- Game model
- Planning an 8 week season
The clinic sessions are conducted by George Hageage, Technical Director for MSC and National Academy Staff member for the National Soccer Coaches Association of America. All information given follows current United Soccer Coaches and US Soccer curriculums.
Risk Management Fulfillment Center
Coach Resources