Recreational Soccer

Recreational (Rec) Soccer is a great opportunity for youths ages 3 1/2 through high school to participate in soccer. Everyone is welcome, regardless of their ability. Participating in MSC's Rec Soccer Program is a great way to build teamwork skills, get active and have fun!
Fall & Spring Sessions
We offer two sessions of Rec Soccer each year. Please visit our "How to Register" page for Rec Soccer to view signup dates for the upcoming season. Please read our registration guidelines, schedule, and fees carefully when going through the process. Games are held on Saturdays. Some Friday or Sunday games may be on the schedule in our Spring sessions.
All our coaches are volunteers, usually parents of the players. We are always in need of coaches and assistant coaches, so please consider volunteering! Soccer skills aren’t necessary, especially at the younger age groups. Learn More!
We try to form teams around school neighborhoods, if possible. Special requests to be with a certain coach or other player are always considered, but can't be guaranteed.
Coaches pick their own practice schedules. The MSC does not get involved in the timing or location of practices. Coaches often hold two practices per week, although the younger age groups may only have one practice. The MSC offers one practice per week per team at the MSC complex.
Rec players who want additional skills training to supplement their team practices can participate in MSC's Academy Program (additional cost).
The Academy offers high-quality, exciting training that is under the direction of George Hageage, MSC Technical Director and member of the National Soccer Coaches Association of America's National Academy staff. Learn more!
Rec players will need to purchase a reversible jersey ($25) from our on-site soccer store at the MSC complex, but all other required equipment can be purchased elsewhere (shinguards and soccer socks). Soccer cleats are recommended but not required.